Benchmarking Your System Previous Top Next

CPU Processor Benchmark
This benchmark performs continuous and complex calculations based on well-known Whetstone and Dhrystone algorithms. Whetstone was written by Harold Curnow in 1972, and optimized for floating point benchmark. Dhrystone, whose the first version was produced by Reinhold P. Weicker, is a sort of Whetstone without floating point and became the key standard of integer benchmark.The benchmark produces speed ratings in terms of Millions of Whetstone Instructions Per Second (MWIPS) and Millions of Dhrystone Instructions Per Second (MDIPS). It also produces an actual speed rating in Megahertz. Bigger is better.The results may be different for same processors with different operating systems. It can be explained by how each operating system handles and supports processor's instruction sets.
CPU Multimedia Benchmark
This benchmark performs a set of Intel SSE, SSE2, x87 and AMD 3DNow! instructions including binary and logical operations to produce a rating of 100. Bigger is better.The results may be different for same processors with different operating systems. It can be explained by how each operating system handles and supports processor's instruction sets.
Memory Benchmark
This benchmark performs a set of memory operations (at least 100 KB) including array assignment and splitting. Integer Assignment value means index of your memory speed in handling an integer array. Integer Split value means index of your memory speed in performing an integer array splitting. Both values are similar to Real Assignment and Split. Bigger is better.
Harddisk Benchmark
This benchmark performs both read and write tests to your fixed drives. It creates a temporary file called 'sysinfo.bch' in the root directory to perform read and write test. The results are in MB/s (megabyte per second). Bigger is better.

CD Benchmark
This benchmark performs a single read test to your CD drives. It will require a CD audio, CD data, VCD or DVD as a medium to find out the speed rate. We suggest an easy-to-read and non-autorun one. The result is in MB/s (megabyte per second). Bigger is better.
Network Benchmark
This benchmark performs a ping instruction and both read and write tests to a specified connection. If the selected connection is a read-only one, it will only perform a ping test. The results of read and write tests are in MB/s (megabyte per second). Bigger is better.